US Navy to release digital blueprint

The US Navy has been in the news for more than this year's lopsided Army-Navy game victory for the midshipmen. A digital blueprint expected to be released this month will act as a "North Star" for connecting and integrating systems in the military branch. Like other federal IT blueprints, the Navy plan will present standards [...]

Veterans Affairs expands website, out-of-band capabilities

[fsn_row][fsn_column width="12"][fsn_text] The US Department of Veterans Affairs announced a new homepage in time for Veterans Day as the second largest federal agency continues pushing modernization of resources and IT networks to better serve veterans. As the second largest federal agency after the Department of Defense, the VA administers benefits for over 18 million veterans including [...]

Getting a green light for that IT project

IT groups sometimes have a reputation as a group that has trouble selling project ideas when it comes time for locking in funding from the corner office. Here a few roadblocks to avoid and approaches to try out next time you are pushing an IT project, say rolling out Uplogix Local Management to all of [...]

Reliable connections: from ship and shore

Uplogix customer Orange Business Services was recently awarded a five-year $12 million contract from BW Offshore for an end-to-end satellite communications solution. The project will connect over a dozen vessels and two land-based locations, bringing offshore personnel access to the same business applications, communications and entertainment services at sea as on land. The concept of [...]

M2M Management Case Study: ATMs

Increasingly, automated teller machines are the “brick and mortar” point of contact for customers with their bank. For decades, these M2M systems have been popular with customers and increasingly reliable as the technology has advanced, but also complicated and expensive to support. One Uplogix customer has an aggressive plan to deploy ATMs and chose to [...]

Case Study: Local management along a long and lonely pipeline

Uplogix helps secure and simplify management of the network that controls the transportation of energy for millions in North America Enbridge operates the largest and most complex liquids pipeline system in the world For over 60 years, Enbridge has operated pipeline systems. Today, millions of people across North America rely on energy transported by Enbridge [...]

Ensuring the network is as fresh as the produce

Uplogix enables a small IT team to support a 24x7 operation where the network is as important as the fresh food. Retail Customer Case Study How one of the largest independent food retailers in the United States Controls IT costs with local management Network is critical for everything from fresh produce to store management This [...]

New users of local management on the high seas

For nearly 100 years, Radio Holland has brought the latest communications technology to sea to improve maritime business, shipboard life and safety. In addition, Radio Holland USA uses Uplogix to reduce support costs for satellite communications and to improve customer experience. With a corporate emphasis on quality service, Radio Holland uses Uplogix to monitor shipboard [...]

Bringing home office network reliability to the high seas

One of the key markets for Uplogix is maritime satellite services. We just published a new customer case study for Orange Business Services detailing how they utilize Uplogix in their efforts to deliver business-level reliability and service for networks aboard vessels at sea.Connected ships are extensions of the home officeModern satellite broadband communications transform any [...]