Getting to the truth on Service Level Agreements

Which side of SLAs do you sit on? Are you gunning to meet required service levels for your customers, or are you watching your provider like a hawk to make sure you get what you pay for? Either way, service level agreements are only as good as: What they measure - are these really the [...]

Be Prepared – What Local Management can do in disaster

The expectations for the storm as of Monday morning, October 29. As the Northeast region of the United States hunkers down for the landfall of Hurricane Sandy it seems to be a good time to reflect (under the blue skies and cool temperatures of a nice early fall day here at Uplogix headquarters in Austin) [...]

Managing devices locally for a greener network

Many network environments have redundant gear that is always powered-on just waiting to be needed. Day-in and day-out this gear hums along burning electricity without providing any service other than insurance. Chalk it up as a cost of providing 99.99%-plus uptime; redundancy is a fact of life. This practice is common in many offices and [...]

Protecting your network from insider threats

A recent government report analyzed 80 cases of computer-based fraud within the banking and finance sector. The findings include six common patterns and activities of the perpetrators as well as recommendations for organizations to protect themselves. The report was sponsored by (we're not making this up) the Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate's [...]

Going beyond keeping the lights on: a case for local management

Federal IT spending for FY 2011 was an estimated $79.4 billion. In a recent interview, Dave Powner, one of three IT directors for the US Government Accountability Office (GAO), said about $55 billion of the $80 billion spent on federal IT goes toward steady state systems, while $25 billion goes to new development. Of that [...]

More than a bandaid for healthcare IT

Even when trying to steer well clear of the election year healthcare debate by focusing solely on healthcare IT, there are a number of hot-button issues for healthcare CIOs. Electronic Health Records (EHRs), the Health Information Exchange (HIE), HIPPA compliance, telemedicine, as well as more industry-neutral issues like wireless networking and just how the cloud [...]

Putting remote automation to the test

This week NASA provided a great example of automation with successful arrival of the Curiosity rover on Mars after months of spaceflight and a multi-stage landing process referred to as "seven minutes of terror." As a company that has developed a unique solution for network automation, it's easy to draw a few comparisons (as well [...]

Gold medal service level monitoring

Uplogix Local Managers (LMs) monitor, measure and manage the performance of critical network services and applications from the end-user’s perspective. This is done in two ways. First, the LMs can use Layer 2 visibility to collect 36 values from managed network devices such as Rx, Tx, CRC, Load, Line Protocol Status and more. Second, by [...]

How smart is your data center?

One in five data centers are soaring at peak efficiency. A January 2012 global study of CIOs and IT managers by IBM concluded that only about one in five data centers have reached the peak of efficiency. How exactly do they define peak efficiency? Like many things -- it depends. For some data centers it [...]

Local Management: Imperative for the Cloud

Here is a peek at the new white paper from Uplogix: Meeting the Network Requirements of Cloud and Virtual Computing with Local Management. Don't let the catchy title fool you -- this paper could be the plot of a movie. There is the introduction of characters, introduction of the conflict, rising action, heroes, villains... but [...]