How smart is your data center?

One in five data centers are soaring at peak efficiency.

A January 2012 global study of CIOs and IT managers by IBM concluded that only about one in five data centers have reached the peak of efficiency.

How exactly do they define peak efficiency? Like many things — it depends. For some data centers it means “providing state of the art levels of availability, flexibility and scalability,” and for others, the goal is to provide “sufficient levels of service while keeping new capital expenditures to a minimum.”

The study assessed data centers using an evolutionary efficiency path with four stages: Basic, Consolidated, Available and Strategic. It turns out that data centers running at the highest levels of efficiency allocate 50 percent of their IT resources to new projects.

It makes sense. If you are able to avoid spending resources on just maintaining existing infrastructure, you have more resources — the time of highly-trained IT staff, equipment dollars, management time (think fewer meetings dealing with issues like downtime, hitting SLAs, etc.). These resources can be channeled into innovation and finding new ways to do things better.

This is the story we’ve been telling at Uplogix for years with the efficiencies that Local Management brings to an operation. Large amounts of time go into basic maintenance of infrastructure. Uplogix automates many of these relatively basic (level 1 & 2) tasks, freeing up that time for new projects — innovations that will make your data center more cost efficient, flexible and available.

While Uplogix is currently deployed in many data centers around the world, we don’t know if they participated in this study, or if they were part of the 21% identified as operating at peak efficiency by this IBM study. But we do have a pretty good idea that applying Local Management can play a large role for getting there.

For more information, check out the Local Management for Servers solution document in the Uplogix Resource Center.



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