That’s our point, entirely

Incremental improvements to traditional network monitoring tools would really be like putting lipstick on a pig - you would still have a flawed solution.  A recent article on The Register entitled "What's wrong with network monitoring tools? Where do I start..." was all about incremental improvements to traditional network management methods. These improvements just point out [...]

Gartner on the rise of the machines

"Come with me if you want to live" -not quite that dramatic. Maybe more"Work with me if you want to be in IT." This year's Gartner Symposium and ITXpo featured strong messages around the importance of the so-called digital workforce. Defined broadly as smart machines that take over tasks and work handled by humans, analysts [...]

Federal shutdown highlights need for network automation amid the trend toward doing more with less in IT

The Uplogix CTO offers an editorial on the overlooked importance of network automation in federal initiatives for data center consolidation and the cloud. With the current federal shutdown, many federal employees are on furlough, yet essential operations continue. For IT groups, this is an expansion of the current trend of being asked to do more [...]

Experts predict federal IT staff reductions next year

Belts are going to tighten in Federal IT, making Cloud,data center consolidation and network automationeven more important. A recent article in the Federal Times says that federal IT staff sizes will likely go down next year due to continued pressure from sequestration cuts, ongoing migration of federal IT infrastructure to the cloud, and program consolidation [...]

Automate network device configuration changes remotely and with confidence

Uplogix returns your device to it's previous workingstate automatically by backing out each change made,reviving your gear and guaranteeing a quick recovery. No longer must configuration changes for key network devices be a late night weekend activity for IT admins with Uplogix Local Management. For years, this was the standard operating procedure to ensure there [...]

Local Management serves as an example of M2M automation in a world without standard platforms

As an automation platform, Uplogix performs basic network monitoring and management actions for just about any device. While the “Internet of things” is gaining steam in popular culture with promises of transforming the world as we know it, one of the key hurdles to widespread adoption is the necessity of standards. Uplogix Local Management is [...]

Local Management required for M2M device networking critical to smart grid

A recent report by Greentech Media puts the global smart grid market at $400 billion by 2020. The success of this market depends on strong networks connecting aggregation points for M2M devices in the field to data and operation centers. The large number and distributed nature of these networks will require secure automation like Uplogix [...]

Local Management Becomes a Texas Export

This week we announced that manufacturing of the Uplogix Local Manager devices has moved to Creation Technologies in northeast Dallas. With the our headquarters in Austin, the move makes the Lone Star State the home of Local Management.Austin is home for all design, engineering and administrative functions, and our sales operations are worldwide. Uplogix is [...]

Celebrating SysAdmin Day

You may or may not know it, but today, around the world many people are celebrating the 14th Annual SysAdmin Day. Launched on July 28th, 2000, an IT guy named Ted Kekatos created to promote recognition of the people that work long and hard, often in the shadows to provide the computers, networks and applications [...]

Uplogix plays critical role in growing M2M market

One key to scaling M2M to predicted levels is machine management of M2M systems. Machine-to-Machine systems will need machine-based management to scale networks required to realize the true value of M2M. This demand for machine-based management of M2M networks will be increasingly driven by the communications, security and control infrastructure requirements at the core of the M2M [...]