Touchscreen fat finger leads to collision

About two years ago the USS John S McCain collided with a chemical tanker in the Singapore Strait, a collision the US National Transportation Safety Board now concludes was a result of a touchscreen fat finger error on the ship's throttles. On the McCain, the steering and throttles were operated on the bridge by touchscreens, [...]

Like Shark Week for network management SLAs

For many, Shark Week is a highlight of the summer's months-long TV binge session. For others, it's too much hype on the sensational, not enough on educating the public on some truly specialized and varied animals that are really good at what they do. It's a lot like marketing an advanced out-of-band management platform. Stick [...]

Network outage at AWS linked to typo

February went out with a whimper for many companies that utilize Amazon Web Services' S3 cloud storage thanks to a wide-scale network outage caused by an incorrect command entered by an S3 team member. The four-hour incident impacted news organizations, enterprise chat apps like Slack, and many more. AWS owns 40% of the cloud services [...]

Three ways that network management is like a horror movie

Network management is kind of like a horror movie. Go with me on this -- in a horror movie only a few hearty and clever survivors get to the see the sunrise, or the sequel. Network management has many hands-on components that tend to weed out those not able to remember an obscure command to [...]

The risk and pain of configuration change

To update or not to update. Too often it's the question asked in IT. Even when the answer is that yes, you should update. Security patches, OS upgrades and password updates take time and effort, and often provide an opportunity for introducing errors. Enterprise Management Associates estimated upwards of 60% of network downtime is caused [...]

When an “air gap” isn’t enough

The remote nature of offshore drilling platforms used to ensure the safety of their networks from the world wide web with three W's of another sort: a physical barrier of waves, wind and water. On-board, the "air gap" between vessel control systems, process control systems and data networks is shrinking as these become increasingly linked [...]

DARPA Grand Challenge targets automated cyber security

A view of some of the sensing hardware on an autonomously piloted vehicle in the DARPA Grand Challenge. DARPA (the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) announced the next focus area in their series of Grand Challenges that have included autonomously driven vehicles, humanoid robotics and now automated network defenses. The Cyber Grand Challenge seeks to [...]

Next-Generation Firewalls Benefit from Local Management

Secure your firewall by taking its management interface out of the network path and more with Uplogix Lots of firewall news this week. First, HP announced its Next-Generation Firewall line, joining Palo Alto Networks, Cisco and Check Point in the evolving world of firewalls that blend traditional port-based controls with application controls and intrusion prevention. [...]

Automate network device configuration changes remotely and with confidence

Uplogix returns your device to it's previous workingstate automatically by backing out each change made,reviving your gear and guaranteeing a quick recovery. No longer must configuration changes for key network devices be a late night weekend activity for IT admins with Uplogix Local Management. For years, this was the standard operating procedure to ensure there [...]