CISOs poised to continue rise in importance

CISOs (Chief Information Security Officers) at most companies this budgeting season are likely not sweating cuts but are more likely to be concerned with scaling: hiring enough trained cybersecurity staff and deploying the latest defenses and programs. Being prepared to fight off hackers and cyberattacks is a priority for CISOs looking forward to 2020. Hacking [...]

Swift kick in the britches: the increasing cost of a data breach

The annual Ponemom Institute survey on the impacts of a data breach, while already a downer, is growing particularly gloomy as the cost continues to rise. This year, they peg the cost at $3.92 million on average. Average! For companies and organizations that fail to detect, identify and mitigate as quickly as possible, that figure [...]

DoD releases Digital Modernization Strategy

The latest Department of Defense guidance for IT in both DISA and the Department as a whole, the DoD Digital Modernization Strategy, was released earlier this month and includes four strategic initiatives: innovation for advantage, optimization, resiliency cybersecurity and cultivation of talent. This DoD roadmap will enable, "increased lethality for the Joint warfighter, empower new [...]

Defining Cyber Resiliency

[fsn_row][fsn_column width="12"][fsn_text] There are thousands of products for cybersecurity fighting the ongoing tug-of-war against The Bad Guys, but investing in cyber resiliency is a pragmatic approach to reducing your overall cyber risk. The US Army Research Laboratory released a report based on an unclassified NATO workshop that sought to explore cyber resiliency and how future [...]

Cyber Resiliency through Out-of-Band

[fsn_row][fsn_column width="12"][fsn_text] The Uplogix out-of-band platform brings a combination of network independence, intelligence and automation to give your team the tools to make your network more resilient -- especially during a network hack. Here's how it works. Uplogix locates with — and directly connects to — managed devices. Like a virtual technician, Uplogix performs the monitoring, [...]

A first responder for cyber resiliency

[fsn_row][fsn_column width="12"][fsn_text] In an emergency, you call first responders because they are stationed in your neighborhood for rapid response and have the tools and skills needed for the situation. Uplogix is your day zero first responder when it comes to response and recovery from a network hack. Uplogix deploys in the rack with your network infrastructure and utilizes advanced out-of-band capabilities and [...]

Cyber insurance is gaining popularity, but is it enough?

[fsn_row][fsn_column width="12"][fsn_text] Cyber attacks are a constant risk, and like other threats such as floods or theft, the insurance industry stands ready to help minimize the risk: behold cyber insurance. While adoption continues to grow, a study by Spiceworks shows that 38 percent of organizations across North America and Europe already have an active policy. [...]

(Cyber) incident control

[fsn_row][fsn_column width="12"][fsn_text] Looking to frame the Uplogix story around cyber resiliency the other day, we came up with a good metaphor: Uplogix works much like the incident control vehicles used by first responders in adverse weather or the all-too-frequent public safety incidents. We’ve all seen these vehicles on TV and a quick web search shows they [...]