Network rebuilding challenges in Puerto Rico

[fsn_row][fsn_column width="12"][fsn_text] The devastation of Hurricane Maria will require a massive recovery operation to restore basic services. The cellular network rebuilding effort was recently visualized through Speedtest maps overlaid on the island. AT&T, Spring and T-mobile all have teams on the ground bringing sites back online as fast as possible, but some locations on the [...]

Cassini retirement far from EOL or network refresh

The much-anticipated precise de-orbiting of the Cassini spacecraft this morning was a fiery end to the highly successful mission to study Saturn. It is a stark contrast to how most networking gear goes out. NASA engineers watched a screen showing signal strength from the 20 year-old craft traveling nearly one billion miles away fade out [...]

Bare Metal Restore: Rapid Replacement of Recalled Products

About a month ago, Cisco was the first network device vendor to announce that they were impacted by a wide-ranging component problem. There is a good chance you might have these products in your network. Uplogix and our Bare Metal Restore feature can help out with the replacement process. Certain models of the Series 4000 [...]

Remote access to my network, Scotty!

Fifty years ago, the premier of the iconic sci-fi franchise Star Trek went boldly were no man has gone before. Today, Uplogix boldly delivers remote access so that no man (or woman!) has to go on truck rolls again. Well, maybe not ever again, but we can pretty boldly manage network infrastructure with a combination [...]

Local Management Software v5.3 Available

The latest version of the Uplogix Local Management Software (LMS) is now available. At Uplogix we don't name our releases after candy or big cats; we just give them a nice wholesome number. Not a whole number, there are decimals, but you get the point. LMS v5.3 brings new functionality designed to improve visibility of large [...]