Bet the store on retail network resiliency?

retail network resiliency isn't an option any more.

In just about every industry, the network has never been more important. It’s no different in retail where network resiliency can be the difference between a banner sales day and closing the doors to eager customers.

Gone are the days when a store could keep up with sales by simply running the register, collecting card impressions and maybe keeping a checklist for inventory. Today most brick and mortar stores have to be online to be open for business. Downtime that is often out of the control of the store due to ISP failures, bad weather or other unavoidable situations must be planned for.

Retail network resiliency is a multi-faceted topic addressed by Uplogix on several fronts:

Network management

Continuous monitoring and automated alerting/remediation of network issues start the mean time to recovery clock much earlier and more proactively than periodic centralized monitoring. Uplogix reduces network support costs by automatically diagnosing and fixing common network device problems within minutes—without IT personnel involvement.

Out-of-band access

Uplogix provides secure access functionality for centralized technical staff to quickly and easily access remote gear to reduce the number of site visits required and IT costs overall. With most large retail operations managing widely distributed branch office-type networks, this means that fewer support personnel are needed because of the eliminated windshield time.

Retail network resiliency

Beyond better management of the network, Uplogix can utilize its out-of-band connection as a failover network to ensure critical traffic keeps moving in the event of losing the primary link. WAN Traffic Failover on an LTE cellular modem can provide significant bandwidth at a reasonable cost — often far cheaper than a traditional POTS line.

One last thought…

Retail networks have been brought to the forefront lately thanks to a number of high profile security breaches. With many customers feeling unsure of their digital and financial safety with large retailers, no store wants to take the hit from being the next one on the news for losing customer information. Uplogix helps address not only network security, but auditing requirements such as the PCI Data Security Standard that requires retailers to be prepared for an audit and to demonstrate compliance with regulatory standards for protecting both their customers’ data and internal IT infrastructure.



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