Is IT getting more stressful or younger?

A recent survey found that 78% of IT workers consider their job stressful. In 2014, the number was 77%, but in 2013 and 2012 it was 57% and 67%. Few people would argue that IT careers can challenge the notion of a work-life balance.

Stress at work and home

Of the more than 200 IT professionals surveyed (at firms of 10 or more people), nearly half said they had worked up to eight unpaid hours per week. As many reported “missed social functions due to overrunning issues and tight deadlines.” 40% said they missed time with children and lost sleep.

More alarmingly, nearly 30% said they suffered from stress-related illnesses. This might not be that surprising given the middle of the night calls, aggressive deadlines, angry users and both mundane and challenging work that is common in IT.

Maybe it’s not the job, but worker

But why the jump over the last two years? What if it’s more generational? A Pew Research Survey described the Millennial generation (those aged 18 to 34, and making up the younger part of the workforce) as 1) the most educated in US history, 2) more likely to switch careers and 3) to place parenthood and marriage above career and financial success.

Billie Blair, head of Change Strategist, a management consulting firm says the IT survey reflects the Millennial attitudes and tendencies to not handling stress well or tolerating the mundane. She says that most Millennials social interactions have been Internet-based with arms-length contact and largely protected from many real-life situations by their parents, their “workplace tends to be more stressful for them than for others.”

The Millennial’s sophistication with technology also leads to higher expectations from it. This matches well with the trends in IT leadership to drive the IT function to be more sensitive to and deliver on the demands of end users. But it might make IT jobs more stressful. Especially for Millennials.

Reduce some of that stress – for IT workers of any age
At Uplogix, we’re less concerned with the generation labels or stereotypes than we are with making IT work better. Reducing downtime and lowering support costs is a good thing for everyone. This is what we do with the Uplogix Local Management platform which combines secure out-of-band access with local monitoring and automated management.

Take a little stress out of your day, see how Uplogix can keep your network up and running, letting you leave work at the office, enjoy your kids and get the sleep you need.



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