Still compatible after all these years…

Uplogix recently re-verified the Cisco Interoperability Verification Testing (IVT) of our Cisco Unified Computing System Express platform solution. Using the UCS Express as a hosting environment to embed Local Management Software on Cisco ISRs, the router becomes a full featured Uplogix Local Manager. 

First released by Uplogix in 2011, a 2900 or 3900 series ISR is configured with HWIC serial port cards to allow serial port connections to up to 48 managed devices. An HWIC wireless modem is used for out-of-band access.
Read the Uplogix Local Management on UCS Express datasheet.

According to Cisco, the IVT program is important for both Cisco Developer Network members (like Uplogix), but also customers. Developers can promote products as “Cisco Compatible,” and for customers:

“…faced with a choice between tested and un-tested products [customers] may prefer the product that has gone through IVT. Customers may also be reassured by knowing that technologies have been pre-tested, reducing integration costs, accelerating deployments and minimizing risk of failure. Often Cisco IVT is a pre-requisite for customers to consider the solution.”

The solution provides an all-Cisco route to deploying Local Management. See it for yourself at this year’s Cisco Live in Orlando. Uplogix will be in booth #553 showing off both the Cisco UCS option as well as our own dedicated Local Management hardware. 



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