Keeping tabs on your network

A couple of scenarios commonly tested by potential Uplogix customers are built around cyber security features of Local Management. Uplogix enhances enterprise security by extending role based administrative access policies to network devices and by providing detailed auditing and reporting in support of attaining and demonstrating regulatory compliance. Importantly, all of these capabilities are maintained even in the event of a network outage.

Scenario: Restricted Access by Locale and Organizational Role

It is often desired to restrict access to which Uplogix Local Managers (LMs) and or ports on an LM a user has access to by their location/business unit and or role in an organization. Users with differing roles in an organization may have access to the same resources, but have different levels of authorization to perform activities.

Uplogix Solution – Granular Authorization

  • Every command that can be issued for the UCC or on a LM requires a user to have the appropriate permission to issue it.
  • Permissions can be grouped together to form custom roles.
  • Roles are granted to users on ports, LMs or groups of LMs.
  • LMs are managed in an inventory tree allowing them to be grouped by locale or business function.
  • Users can be organized by groups. When users are added to a group, they will inherit any privileges assigned to that group.

Scenario: Audit and Reporting

Enterprises need complete reporting data to pass today’s stringent compliance audits. Often companies are penalized as a result of incomplete information, especially when outages have occurred. During these most vulnerable moments for a network, reporting data on who has accessed devices and what was done to those devices often goes unrecorded.

Uplogix Solution – Key Audit and Compliance Reporting

  • Session logging captures and archives every keystroke and output, unlike network-based tools that fail to capture changes during a network outage.
  • Enable policy compliance by monitoring and reporting all changes made to the managed IT infrastructure to satisfy internal and regulatory security standards.
  • Satisfy numerous compliance standards by providing flexible reporting engine allowing you to report changes by device or people.

Uplogix is watching, always watching

In addition to benefits like reduced operational costs, faster resolution when issues arise, and maintaining AAA when the network is down, Local Management can strengthen your cyber security with improved security roles and compliance auditing vs. centralized only management. Find out more at



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