Data center downtime increasing – is the network at fault?

[fsn_row][fsn_column width="12"][fsn_text] The optimistically-named Uptime Institute has tracked publicly available information to determine that data center downtime is on the rise, likely do to increasingly complex IT systems and networks. Everyone's favorite downtime culprit in the data center, power failures, are still a common cause, but seems to be implicated less often these days in [...]

Edge networking is a priority

[fsn_row][fsn_column width="12"][fsn_text] Edge networking stood out as a key area of interest on a recent NetworkWorld survey, with more than half of respondents indicating they have immediate plans. The 8th annual State of the Network survey indicated a growing importance of edge networking as organizations look to reduce latency by bringing computing resources closer to [...]

OOB benefits both SDN and NFV

[fsn_row][fsn_column width="12"][fsn_text] Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) are frequently confused with each other, but are different technologies that have some similarities to, and can benefit from advanced out-of-band (OOB). First, a few definitions: SDN - Abstracting the control and management planes from the underlying hardware, say for a router or switch. [...]

Got SDN? But is the next big thing IBN?

If you have your head wrapped around SDN or software defined networking, you won't be surprised to hear the next big thing is already here. IBN or intent-based networking is Cisco's new entry into the long simmering pot of networking acronym soup. Announced this summer, IBN architectures combine software and hardware to control overall network [...]

AT&T conducts very public SDN test

SDN (software defined networking) has rapidly taken over IT networking news stories. This week was no different as AT&T shared successful results of a test using open source network software on "white box" switches.  What does this mean? Well, it could mean that a power user in the network world doesn't have to deploy name [...]

2017 predictions for IT networking & security

Mid-way through the last month of the year means it's time for everyone to release their predictions for IT in the coming year. This year is no different, and given recent headlines about Russian hacking and ransomware designed to let you opt to infect others you know rather than pay up, we're going to talk [...]

Will SDN kill the networking star?

Most early stage technology trends generate some bold proclamations of their impact. Software Defined Networking is no different. While it will impact the day-to-day job of a network admin, it won't replace them entirely. Jim Duffy had a nice article in Network World where he debunked some of the over-the-top claims of SDN, and had [...]