Maritime operators face “worrying complacency” about cybersecurity

A survey of attendees at the recent Maritime Cyber Risk Forum in London revealed ongoing challenges when it comes to cybersecurity on the high seas with 89% of respondents agreeing with the statement that there is a worrying level of complacency about cyber attacks in the maritime industry. An equal number attributed the complacency to [...]

Selfies, streaming and staying in touch are the norm on today’s cruise ships

[fsn_row][fsn_column width="12"][fsn_text] The last time we had a post on Uplogix deployments for satellite networks on cruise lines was 2013. Since that time cruise ships and their satellite providers have gone from mobile hotspots to full-blown corporate headquarters in terms on their data use. Not only have ships vastly increased their network infrastructure and bandwidth [...]

First task for the Space Force?

[fsn_row][fsn_column width="12"][fsn_text] It's often said that complexity is the enemy of cybersecurity because complex systems have inherent risks that are hard to predict. Some of the most complex systems are the satellites, probes and manned space vessels that are growing in number on an almost daily basis. Precision engineering and custom embedded computing and communications [...]

Uplogix customers transform maritime communications

[fsn_row][fsn_column width="12" column_style="light"][fsn_text] Uplogix customers BlueTide Communications and Orange Business Services announced a new partnership to transform maritime communications with a suite of services over Ku-band VSAT. The global services network will deliver communications, navigation and asset management services. Orange brings the managed Ku-band capacity with the ability to switch between satellite beams for seamless [...]

Satellite cybersecurity ramps up

Satellite operators have long felt just a little safer than most when it came to security. But today, satellite cybersecurity is standard operating procedure. No longer does an unobstructed beam bouncing off a satellite or remote locations guarantee security. Every day more of the world's critical infrastructure for communications, defense, financial, environmental monitoring, shipping and logistics -- [...]

Cool use case: Satellite antenna blockage zone recovery

The design of the Uplogix out-of-band platform gives it some highly flexible capabilities. Today's example is recovering a satellite antenna in a blockage zone on a vessel at sea. Granted not everyone has this problem, but the functionality used to solve it can be applied to other areas of network management also. In any deployment, Uplogix [...]

Oil & Gas satcom mood tied to price of oil

Last week's Oilcomm show in Houston had a strange feel to it. In addition to no lines at the afternoon beer stands, the sound of silence echoing through the oil & gas satcom tradeshow seemed to be driven by the price of oil. At least three different visitors to the Uplogix booth referenced the current [...]

Vessel downtime is like network downtime

Uplogix does a lot of business with satellite service providers for the maritime market, especially those in oil & gas where downtime is an especially dirty word. These vessels are often highly specialized and expensive to operate, so like with their data networks, downtime is a serious concern. GE's Marine Solutions group announced that they [...]