The Internet can handle this

Over the last couple of months, Internet traffic has increased by about a quarter in many major cities, with traffic expanding out from city centers to the suburbs. Demand for video conferencing has skyrocketed as it has replaced face-to-face interaction with coworkers, family and friends. Home entertainment services have ramped up to handle the needs [...]

Keepinging sharp with edge computing

[fsn_row][fsn_column width="12"][fsn_text] Edge computing answers issues about data throughput, but also brings concerns about security and scalability, but the biggest challenge might be how to get the right people to work together to make it work. It makes sense. Rather than figure out larger pipes for transporting data from remote locations or try to program [...]

Veterans Affairs expands website, out-of-band capabilities

[fsn_row][fsn_column width="12"][fsn_text] The US Department of Veterans Affairs announced a new homepage in time for Veterans Day as the second largest federal agency continues pushing modernization of resources and IT networks to better serve veterans. As the second largest federal agency after the Department of Defense, the VA administers benefits for over 18 million veterans including [...]

Extreme remote networking, power edition

[fsn_row][fsn_column width="12"][fsn_text] As an enabler to remote networking through our out-of-band management platform, at Uplogix we've always got an eye on those industries that really push the limits of remote network management. A couple of months ago Microsoft deployed a data center on the sea floor off the coast of Scotland. Today, let's take a [...]

Underwater data centers bring new definition of remote management

[fsn_row][fsn_column width="12"][fsn_text] Today's winner for remote networking is Microsoft's Project Natick. The idea of a shipping container self-contained data center isn't new, but they've taken it to new heights, ahem... depths. The pre-built underwater data center was deployed via crane barge on a rock shelf 117 feet below the water's surface off the coast of [...]

Uplogix reads between the lines to solve age-old remote network management issue

(April 1, 2016 | AUSTIN, TEXAS) Uplogix today announces a game changing advance in the remote management of network and communications infrastructure. The PHINGER (PHysical INtelligent Gadget for Electronics Resetting) is an add-on product for Uplogix Local Managers, conquering at last a fundamental challenge in out-of-band management: devices that cannot be reset through software commands [...]

Healthcare IT driven by patients

While every industry has a different tolerance for risk, there are also different types of risk to consider. When asked what challenges are unique to healthcare IT, Duke University Health System CISO Chuck Kessler says the biggest differentiation between a healthcare organization and a bank, for example, is that in healthcare it's ultimately about saving lives. [...]

Taking remote management to the extreme

At Uplogix, we often talk about our customers managing network gear in extremely remote and hostile locations like the North Sea, the Niger River Delta and undisclosed military locations in Southwest Asia. But this week NASA took the headlines for some seriously remote management of its New Horizons spacecraft. Here are a few comparisons: What's in [...]