(April 1, 2016 | AUSTIN, TEXAS) Uplogix today announces a game changing advance in the remote management of network and communications infrastructure. The PHINGER (PHysical INtelligent Gadget for Electronics Resetting) is an add-on product for Uplogix Local Managers, conquering at last a fundamental challenge in out-of-band management: devices that cannot be reset through software commands or a power cycle, but must have a physical reset button held for a specific period of time.
“Uplogix is very excited to give network managers the PHINGER,” said Lisa Frankovitch, Uplogix CEO. “It’s something that we’ve wanted to do for a long time, especially those on our technical support staff. On the rare occasions where they’ve exhausted the extensive capabilities of our out-of-band platform, they’ve often asked if they could give our customers the PHINGER. Prior to today’s release, the answer was definitely not.”
Based on an industrial welding robot frame, the PHINGER has an arm span of over six feet and can be installed on a gantry, allowing network admins the ability to give the PHINGER full sit-and-spin access to two rows of rack mounted systems in a data center environment. Capable of providing more than enough force to simulate a human finger for pushing reset buttons, the PHINGER comes complete with an accessory kit that includes a ball point pen cap and various gauges of bent paper clips for inset or smaller reset buttons.
“I’d like to salute Uplogix for solving one of the longstanding challenges of managing remote networks,” said Flip Birdman, a longtime Uplogix customer. “For years we’ve used Uplogix to solve most of our network management issues, and now that they’ve given us the PHINGER we can really see how much they care about their customers.”
For more information on how to get the PHINGER, contact Uplogix today only.
NOTE: Of course this is just some April Fool’s Day fun. At Uplogix we totally appreciate our customers. We developed our out-of-band platform to provide them with automation and management features to make their lives easier and networks more resilient. Uplogix gives our customers longer arms and better tools to manage their networks without feeling the urge to give their gear the finger.