Wrapping up, looking forward

It's that time of year - people are publishing their year-end recaps and prognostications for the year to come, office junk is being collected and wrapped for white elephant exchanges, and (some) folks are burning off vacation before the end of the calendar year.  We'll cover each of these topics in this post. You can [...]

Gartner on the rise of the machines

"Come with me if you want to live" -not quite that dramatic. Maybe more"Work with me if you want to be in IT." This year's Gartner Symposium and ITXpo featured strong messages around the importance of the so-called digital workforce. Defined broadly as smart machines that take over tasks and work handled by humans, analysts [...]

The end or the beginning? IT predictions for 2013

Assuming the world doesn't end with the ancient Mayan calendar on Friday, December 21, 2012, this is the time of year when many people start looking toward the next year and making predictions for the future. Here are a few forward-thinking topics combed from various sources relating to IT issues in some of the key [...]

Analyst perspective on Local Management

Enterprise Management Associates (EMA) recently published a market perspective on local management technologies, highlighting the Uplogix Local Management Platform. They note an increasing urgency in IT as it deals with a widening human resource gap, ever-present pressures to limit operational expenses, and substantial increases in complexity within IT infrastructure, as driving factors for implementing more [...]

Meeting Gartner’s predictions for network automation by 2015 today

This week the analysts at Gartner released their top predictions for IT organizations and users for 2011 and beyond. The list focuses on changes in the roles that technologies and IT groups play both in the performance of the business and increasingly in the lives of workers.As an innovative company applying a new way of [...]