Touchscreen fat finger leads to collision

About two years ago the USS John S McCain collided with a chemical tanker in the Singapore Strait, a collision the US National Transportation Safety Board now concludes was a result of a touchscreen fat finger error on the ship's throttles. On the McCain, the steering and throttles were operated on the bridge by touchscreens, [...]

Data center downtime increasing – is the network at fault?

[fsn_row][fsn_column width="12"][fsn_text] The optimistically-named Uptime Institute has tracked publicly available information to determine that data center downtime is on the rise, likely do to increasingly complex IT systems and networks. Everyone's favorite downtime culprit in the data center, power failures, are still a common cause, but seems to be implicated less often these days in [...]

Cost of downtime is a personal question

[fsn_row][fsn_column width="12"][fsn_text] Everyone has one, but it's still not an easy subject for most people. We're talking about the cost of downtime in their network. It's not an easy calculation if you want to be accurate, but one would be hard pressed to find anyone that says network downtime today is LESS expensive than in [...]

New thinking on incident response

Airbnb matches thousands of travelers with over 2 million rental property listings on their website daily. Reliability is key to the success of the company valued at over $30 billion. A recent interview with a site reliability engineer at Airbnb covered some key metrics for incident response in the high visibility, high uptime operation. Beyond [...]

Vessel downtime is like network downtime

Uplogix does a lot of business with satellite service providers for the maritime market, especially those in oil & gas where downtime is an especially dirty word. These vessels are often highly specialized and expensive to operate, so like with their data networks, downtime is a serious concern. GE's Marine Solutions group announced that they [...]

Dividing what’s left: IT project ROI

A common stat thrown around the industry is that 75% of IT resources go to maintaining the status quo. It's a testament to the mission critical nature of IT in the enterprise—new technology is great, but you've got to keep things up and running, first and foremost. This makes prioritizing IT projects critical, and a [...]

Calculating downtime cost with lots of zeros

Yesterday two high profile outages made the news. United Airlines experienced some kind of a router problem and halted flights for over an hour, and the New York Stock Exchange had to close trading for over three hours while they recovered from what was termed a software rollout issue. While not enough information has been [...]