DoD releases Digital Modernization Strategy

The latest Department of Defense guidance for IT in both DISA and the Department as a whole, the DoD Digital Modernization Strategy, was released earlier this month and includes four strategic initiatives: innovation for advantage, optimization, resiliency cybersecurity and cultivation of talent. This DoD roadmap will enable, "increased lethality for the Joint warfighter, empower new [...]

Cyber Resiliency through Out-of-Band

[fsn_row][fsn_column width="12"][fsn_text] The Uplogix out-of-band platform brings a combination of network independence, intelligence and automation to give your team the tools to make your network more resilient -- especially during a network hack. Here's how it works. Uplogix locates with — and directly connects to — managed devices. Like a virtual technician, Uplogix performs the monitoring, [...]

A first responder for cyber resiliency

[fsn_row][fsn_column width="12"][fsn_text] In an emergency, you call first responders because they are stationed in your neighborhood for rapid response and have the tools and skills needed for the situation. Uplogix is your day zero first responder when it comes to response and recovery from a network hack. Uplogix deploys in the rack with your network infrastructure and utilizes advanced out-of-band capabilities and [...]

Cyber insurance is gaining popularity, but is it enough?

[fsn_row][fsn_column width="12"][fsn_text] Cyber attacks are a constant risk, and like other threats such as floods or theft, the insurance industry stands ready to help minimize the risk: behold cyber insurance. While adoption continues to grow, a study by Spiceworks shows that 38 percent of organizations across North America and Europe already have an active policy. [...]

Malware infections vary by geography

[fsn_row][fsn_column width="12"][fsn_text] No place is safe from malware and cyber attacks, but according to a new study, some locations seem to be more likely to suffer from infections. The top three cities in term of rate of infection are Atlanta, Orlando and Denver. Rounding out the top five are St. Louis and Tampa. The study [...]

Penetration resistance gets too much focus, says NIST

[fsn_row][fsn_column width="12"][fsn_text] You've heard it here before -- it's not a matter of if, but when. At that point it's less about penetration resistance of trying to keep the bad guys out of your network, but how to minimize the damage and get back up and running. In a second volume to the National Institute [...]

Network recovery after the hack

Today we live in a world of "when." And when you're affected by a security breach, you need to think beyond just data protection and backup. You need a clear plan for network recovery after the hack that doesn't rely on the network itself or slow trips to remote sites for "sneaker net" repairs. This [...]

Cybersecurity threats in 2016

December is a great time to look back on the year and look forward to what to expect in the new year. The McAfee Labs security team released their annual report about the cybersecurity threats to expect in the next five years. Unfortunately the news is that if you thought ransomware, data breaches and hacked Jeeps were [...]