Network management automation is no April Fool’s joke

AUSTIN, TEXAS (April 1, 2014) - Uplogix today announced network management automation that can be implemented with confidence. Designed to work as an onsite Level 1 technician-in-a-box, the Uplogix Local Management Platform automates the routine tasks that eat up the bulk of IT's time and effort when it comes to maintaining network infrastructure. And we're [...]

Automate network device configuration changes remotely and with confidence

Uplogix returns your device to it's previous workingstate automatically by backing out each change made,reviving your gear and guaranteeing a quick recovery. No longer must configuration changes for key network devices be a late night weekend activity for IT admins with Uplogix Local Management. For years, this was the standard operating procedure to ensure there [...]

Death, taxes and downtime — pick two?

There are lots of stats on downtime - one we use around Uplogix is that 60% of network downtime is caused by human error during device configuration. Maybe it's from a "fat-finger" mistake, or it could be what was thought to be a simple change actually impacted the device in unexpected ways. Many in IT [...]

Analyst perspective on Local Management

Enterprise Management Associates (EMA) recently published a market perspective on local management technologies, highlighting the Uplogix Local Management Platform. They note an increasing urgency in IT as it deals with a widening human resource gap, ever-present pressures to limit operational expenses, and substantial increases in complexity within IT infrastructure, as driving factors for implementing more [...]

Avoiding catastrophic outages by automating change management

There are plenty of examples of catastrophe these days, but in the IT world, catastrophic losses typically are the result of anticipated technology failures combined with unanticipated human failures.The best laid plans often go awry due to the human nature to take shortcuts. Repetitive processes and time-consuming steps get skipped. It's a human problem, and [...]