Edge networking is a priority

[fsn_row][fsn_column width="12"][fsn_text] Edge networking stood out as a key area of interest on a recent NetworkWorld survey, with more than half of respondents indicating they have immediate plans. The 8th annual State of the Network survey indicated a growing importance of edge networking as organizations look to reduce latency by bringing computing resources closer to [...]

Three ways that network management is like a horror movie

Network management is kind of like a horror movie. Go with me on this -- in a horror movie only a few hearty and clever survivors get to the see the sunrise, or the sequel. Network management has many hands-on components that tend to weed out those not able to remember an obscure command to [...]

Perfect storms of impossible events

When planning for a perfect storm, automation is a critical component of engineering for resiliency. The recent failure of two network switches in a data center in Utah rippled across the network bringing down four major US web hosting firms and impacting millions of their customers. The breadth of the impact demonstrates some of the [...]

The end or the beginning? IT predictions for 2013

Assuming the world doesn't end with the ancient Mayan calendar on Friday, December 21, 2012, this is the time of year when many people start looking toward the next year and making predictions for the future. Here are a few forward-thinking topics combed from various sources relating to IT issues in some of the key [...]

It just makes sense – Local Management for regional banking

You've likely noticed that many of the banks you drive by every day tend to change names often. Mergers, acquisitions, consolidations... it's a busy time in banking. Not all changes in banks just involve rebranding, often there are massive IT hardware changes and major systems that must be integrated when banks change. While Uplogix has [...]