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So far bmoran has created 403 blog entries.

2017 the year of acquisitions for MSPs?

MSPs, or Managed Service Providers, are seeing a convergence of business conditions that are both expanding market opportunity and making it more difficult not to be—or be partnered with—a major industry player. The growing need across all industries to be digitally connected, the arrival of cloud computing and the required expertise in cybersecurity are slamming [...]

Protecting against insider threats

When it comes to securing your network against insider threats, security researchers recommend a "mini-max" policy -- minimize access where possible and then maximize monitoring of that access for unusual patterns. The goal is to not provide employees with an open door to the entire network by making access a privilege and not a right. [...]

Healthcare network management to grow

The market for healthcare network management software for IT is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6 percent. Organizations are looking to deliver value-based care in part through better IT networks that deliver needed services at lower costs. The IT industry as a whole is experiencing growth in virtualized infrastructure which requires expanded network [...]

AT&T conducts very public SDN test

SDN (software defined networking) has rapidly taken over IT networking news stories. This week was no different as AT&T shared successful results of a test using open source network software on "white box" switches.  What does this mean? Well, it could mean that a power user in the network world doesn't have to deploy name [...]

Cisco’s hierarchy of needs for network innovation

At a CiscoLive Europe keynote, a Cisco VP described a Maslow-like hierarchy of needs for network innovation and digital transformation. It serves as a prescriptive approach to shifting to a higher-level of digital enterprise. Like with human behaviors starting at the most fundamental physiological needs like food, water and air up the scale through safety, [...]

Maintaining audit and compliance reporting

I read an article recently that was titled, "You broke the network. Do you confess?" And it made me think about the audit and compliance reporting of the Uplogix platform, because it kind of takes the fun out of the question. The author of the original post on Reddit's /r/networking asked: "Have you ever accidentally [...]

Bare Metal Restore: Rapid Replacement of Recalled Products

About a month ago, Cisco was the first network device vendor to announce that they were impacted by a wide-ranging component problem. There is a good chance you might have these products in your network. Uplogix and our Bare Metal Restore feature can help out with the replacement process. Certain models of the Series 4000 [...]

Network outage at AWS linked to typo

February went out with a whimper for many companies that utilize Amazon Web Services' S3 cloud storage thanks to a wide-scale network outage caused by an incorrect command entered by an S3 team member. The four-hour incident impacted news organizations, enterprise chat apps like Slack, and many more. AWS owns 40% of the cloud services [...]

Inmarsat for high speed satellite out-of-band

The Uplogix platform utilizes the reliability of the Inmarsat satellite network to provide out-of-band (OOB) connectivity to managed remote networks. With Inmarsat’s high-speed data services, Uplogix can automate management of network infrastructure, including the ability to provide a secure connection for administrators to remote gear. Uplogix automates numerous network support, maintenance, configuration and recovery [...]

IoT business justifications (+ a scary anecdote)

The Internet of Things (IoT) has never been short on hype or fear, but as real applications and deployments begin to factor into tactical business plans, calculating total cost of ownership (TCO) and return on investment (ROI) is required. Starting with costs, consider current environmental costs and implementation costs. The current environment includes what you are [...]