Remote access overcomes travel limitations

Media coverage of the Coronavirus outbreak and related quarantines and threats of quarantines across the world has expanded into how technology is making it possible for work-from-home on an unprecedented scale. With many companies already employing remote worker strategies, the technologies needed are in place, including those for remote access to manage network infrastructure. Uplogix [...]

Fog computing expands critical remote infrastructure

[fsn_row][fsn_column width="12"][fsn_text] Several years ago one of the morning talks at CiscoLive was on fog computing. At the time the hype for cloud computing was well entrenched, so fog computing seemed to bring things back to earth with a more realistic promise of local processing of the massive amount of data expected from the ever-increasing [...]

Case Study: Cellular out-of-band… even in West Texas

[fsn_row][fsn_column width="12"][fsn_text] One of our sales execs was recently pitching a wind energy company and mentioned cellular out-of-band as an option. The initial thinking was that their wind fields were likely too remote for a decent signal. That sounded like a challenge to the team here at Uplogix, always looking for a problem to solve [...]

Healthcare network management to grow

The market for healthcare network management software for IT is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6 percent. Organizations are looking to deliver value-based care in part through better IT networks that deliver needed services at lower costs. The IT industry as a whole is experiencing growth in virtualized infrastructure which requires expanded network [...]

Remote access to my network, Scotty!

Fifty years ago, the premier of the iconic sci-fi franchise Star Trek went boldly were no man has gone before. Today, Uplogix boldly delivers remote access so that no man (or woman!) has to go on truck rolls again. Well, maybe not ever again, but we can pretty boldly manage network infrastructure with a combination [...]