Uplogix demos at Cisco Live 2016

Many of the Cisco faithful, including Uplogix, are setting their sights on Las Vegas this July as Cisco Live 2016 returns to the Mandalay Bay Convention Center. This year the demos in the Uplogix booth (#925) will show applications for out-of-band management in data centers, branch offices and extreme remote locations. We're headquartered in [...]

v5.1 release expands scope & speed of local mgmt

The v5.1 release of the Uplogix Local Management Software (LMS) is now available with a number of new features and improvements that include expanding the number of devices that can be managed, a new cellular modem for faster out-of-band, stronger security features, expanded support for Cisco and more. The release supports the new Uplogix 16-port [...]

Local Management Becomes a Texas Export

This week we announced that manufacturing of the Uplogix Local Manager devices has moved to Creation Technologies in northeast Dallas. With the our headquarters in Austin, the move makes the Lone Star State the home of Local Management.Austin is home for all design, engineering and administrative functions, and our sales operations are worldwide. Uplogix is [...]

Still compatible after all these years…

Uplogix recently re-verified the Cisco Interoperability Verification Testing (IVT) of our Cisco Unified Computing System Express platform solution. Using the UCS Express as a hosting environment to embed Local Management Software on Cisco ISRs, the router becomes a full featured Uplogix Local Manager.  First released by Uplogix in 2011, a 2900 or 3900 series ISR is configured [...]