Enjoy the holidays more with Uplogix

The holiday season is a weird mix of extremes within organizations. Some groups are busy trying to close out the quarter or maybe the tax year, while others drop off the grid for a couple weeks of guilt-free R&R to come back to a clean slate

in January. For many in IT, the holidays are a time to roll out new gear and config changes when network usage is lower.

Is this how things have to be? Using the imagery of the season, wouldn’t it be great if IT had networking elves working away on their behalf so they could enjoy the holidays as well? In most industries, elf-like automation is the norm, while in networking, many tasks remain hands-on. Uplogix challenges what is commonly perceived as network automation—it’s not just knowing that you have a problem to fix; it’s knowing that the problem was already fixed for you.

Here is an excerpt from the Uplogix Automation Solution Brief that shows what real network automation can do for you:

Traditional network management tools rely on the network to manage the network. This leads to situations where at the moment the management tools are needed the most—during an outage—they are completely ineffective. As a result, network administrators are not interested in enabling automation that could leave them disconnected. This leads to many routine tasks being done “by hand” which not only consumes a large amount of time and effort, but also increases the number of opportunities for human error.

Uplogix deploys locally and connects to gear over the same connection as an onsite administrator for network-independent automation that delivers:

  • Automated Recovery | Based on high-resolution monitoring data, Local Managers can take automated responses to device issues, saving time and service calls.
  • Mass OS Updates | Schedule once to update all similar devices on your network with the confidence of SurgicalRollback—letting you manage by exception, rather than touching each device one at a time.
  • Integrated Out-of-Band | Using the most cost-effective source available at the location, Uplogix automatically creates an alternate pathway for technicians to access gear as if they were onsite.

For more information on how to put the Uplogix elves to work for you this holiday season and year-round, download the full solution brief. If you are ready to go even deeper, check out our Network Automation White Paper.



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