Rise in phone subscriptions includes failover network

While there are numerous high profile endeavors to bring high speed internet to all, a couple of interesting statistics released this week in a report by the United Nations' International Telecom Union (ITU) was that by the end of the year there will be as many cellular subscriptions as there are people on earth, and [...]

Bet the store on retail network resiliency?

In just about every industry, the network has never been more important. It's no different in retail where network resiliency can be the difference between a banner sales day and closing the doors to eager customers. Gone are the days when a store could keep up with sales by simply running the register, collecting card [...]

Everything as a service

IT departments today find themselves pinned between meeting expectations of business units based on managed service provider promises and a wealth of new technology options. Oh, and no pressure -- business revenue is increasingly dependent on IT getting it right. Enterprise IT has traditionally been regarded as quite different from the Managed Service Provider model. As more and more technology is moving to the [...]

Comparing apples, oranges and out-of-band

A week ago we were at Cisco Live in San Diego with 25,000 IT friends sharing the sea breeze, certification tests, Aerosmith and the World of Solutions -- where a couple hundred Cisco partners vie for the attention of Cisco's faithful. At the Uplogix booth it was four days of continuous conversations with a common [...]

v5.2 software release now available

Uplogix Local Management Software version 5.2 makes out-of-band easier, faster and more valuable with WAN Traffic Failover (WTF) – a backup path for the primary network that doesn’t require expensive redundant gear. The update includes new functionality that pairs high-speed LTE modems with the network-independent monitoring and device automation of the Uplogix platform to failover [...]

Getting the most out of out-of-band

When most people think about out-of-band management, they are only thinking about access using something other than their primary network. Out-of-band is more than just an alternate path to remote gear, it's a smarter way to manage your network and eliminate downtime. Uplogix is different from traditional out-of-band solutions Uplogix was founded on the observation [...]