Using service level data to automate responses

[fsn_row row_width="container" row_style="light" background_repeat="repeat" background_position="left top" background_attachment="scroll" background_size="auto" background_image_xs="show"][fsn_column width="12" style="display: block;" column_style="light"][fsn_text] There are many options for managing service levels across networks. One of the key differentiators between the service level verification conducted by Uplogix and other service level monitoring solutions is just that -- other solutions monitor. Uplogix monitors AND uses that data [...]

Network outage at AWS linked to typo

February went out with a whimper for many companies that utilize Amazon Web Services' S3 cloud storage thanks to a wide-scale network outage caused by an incorrect command entered by an S3 team member. The four-hour incident impacted news organizations, enterprise chat apps like Slack, and many more. AWS owns 40% of the cloud services [...]

MSPs add cloud to the menu

Many managed service providers (MSPs) are looking to expand their network services into managed cloud services and some are finding that it's not always an easy transition. In addition the traditional management of on-premises equipment and onsite applications, cloud adds new requirements to monitor cloud service availability, quality of service and security. It's a different [...]