Digging out with out-of-band

Whether this week's winter storm Juno lived up to the hype (Snowpocalypse, really?), the attention on disruptive weather does make you think about disaster recovery operations. With many people expected to be trapped at home or encouraged to stay at home with travel bans and $500 fines for violations, for IT support teams, out-of-band management [...]

Network management automation is no April Fool’s joke

AUSTIN, TEXAS (April 1, 2014) - Uplogix today announced network management automation that can be implemented with confidence. Designed to work as an onsite Level 1 technician-in-a-box, the Uplogix Local Management Platform automates the routine tasks that eat up the bulk of IT's time and effort when it comes to maintaining network infrastructure. And we're [...]

Groundhog Day for network configuration

Every year, on February 2nd, crowds in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania gather at dawn to witness a rodent pass judgment on just how much longer winter weather will torment the country. The Bill Murray movie Groundhog Day combined the weirdness of this 127-year tradition with a time loop/karma story where an unpleasant TV weatherman relives the same [...]

Don’t fight the power, manage it

Power management is a critical part of network IT and has two main components: managing and monitoring power throughout the infrastructure, and having the ability to control outlets and groups of outlets. For Uplogix, managing power to devices is a key component of Local Management. Some of the key functionality includes: Power utilization monitoring | [...]