Troubleshooting a backhoe incident

It's a standard troubleshooting use case that makes it into many Uplogix presentations: say a backhoe working on a water line issue in your parking lot accidentally cuts the fiber line going into your building. What do you do? An Uplogix customer recently found out. The best-case scenario is that their network shifts over to [...]

Data center downtime increasing – is the network at fault?

[fsn_row][fsn_column width="12"][fsn_text] The optimistically-named Uptime Institute has tracked publicly available information to determine that data center downtime is on the rise, likely do to increasingly complex IT systems and networks. Everyone's favorite downtime culprit in the data center, power failures, are still a common cause, but seems to be implicated less often these days in [...]

Atlanta IT went with the wind

[fsn_row][fsn_column width="12"][fsn_text] More than a month after the City of Atlanta was hit with a SamSam ransomware virus, the government is still struggling to get back to normal operations. Water and sewer bills must be paid in person instead of online or over the phone. Public WiFi at the country's busiest airport was down for [...]

Penetration resistance gets too much focus, says NIST

[fsn_row][fsn_column width="12"][fsn_text] You've heard it here before -- it's not a matter of if, but when. At that point it's less about penetration resistance of trying to keep the bad guys out of your network, but how to minimize the damage and get back up and running. In a second volume to the National Institute [...]

Bet the store on retail network resiliency?

In just about every industry, the network has never been more important. It's no different in retail where network resiliency can be the difference between a banner sales day and closing the doors to eager customers. Gone are the days when a store could keep up with sales by simply running the register, collecting card [...]