Uplogix plays critical role in growing M2M market

One key to scaling M2M to predicted levels is machine management of M2M systems. Machine-to-Machine systems will need machine-based management to scale networks required to realize the true value of M2M. This demand for machine-based management of M2M networks will be increasingly driven by the communications, security and control infrastructure requirements at the core of the M2M [...]

It just makes sense – Local Management for regional banking

You've likely noticed that many of the banks you drive by every day tend to change names often. Mergers, acquisitions, consolidations... it's a busy time in banking. Not all changes in banks just involve rebranding, often there are massive IT hardware changes and major systems that must be integrated when banks change. While Uplogix has [...]

Single-vendor networks vs. multi-vendor, no problem

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free..." This well-known line most likely did not refer to the networks that today's IT shops have to deal with, but it's not far off when it comes to network management. As everyone struggles to find the right combination of spending, manpower and [...]