Cost cutting no longer top IT priority – what is?

IT leaders are less focused on cutting costs and turning their attention to the broader goal of building the business. In a recent survey by McKinsey of 800 IT executives, those citing their top priority as reducing IT costs dropped from 44 percent to 31 percent since 2011. "Improving the effectiveness of business processes" now [...]

How BYOD Can Benefit IT Departments

Bringing your own device to work is increasingly becoming not just an option, but a requirement. Gartner predicts by 2016, 38 percent of companies will no longer supply devices to workers, and by 2017, half of employers will expect employees to bring their own equipment. IT departments, however, have been slower to adopt BYOD due [...]

Taking our story down-under

The winding waterfront of Melbourne A week ago, James Dollar, the founder and CTO of Uplogix had a chance to address the CIOs of one of the largest corporations in the world at a gathering in Australia. It was a chance to introduce a global audience to the concept of local management, as well as [...]

Analyst perspective on Local Management

Enterprise Management Associates (EMA) recently published a market perspective on local management technologies, highlighting the Uplogix Local Management Platform. They note an increasing urgency in IT as it deals with a widening human resource gap, ever-present pressures to limit operational expenses, and substantial increases in complexity within IT infrastructure, as driving factors for implementing more [...]