Cisco’s Chambers on “good enough networking”

In a recent article for Network World, Cisco CEO John Chambers gave the networking industry a brief look back and asked a few questions about our vision of the network going forward.He asks if the network will be robust-enough to accommodate the forecast that 91% of global internet traffic will be internet video by 2013, [...]

Addressing your NSM tools’ elephant in the room

First, we're not here today to bash your enterprise network and system management suites. IBM/Tivoli Integrated Service Management, BMC Business Service Management, CA IT Management, HP Business Technology Optimization and others are all powerful tools for managing complex, distributed networks. But what they all have in common is that they rely on the very network [...]

Avoiding catastrophic outages by automating change management

There are plenty of examples of catastrophe these days, but in the IT world, catastrophic losses typically are the result of anticipated technology failures combined with unanticipated human failures.The best laid plans often go awry due to the human nature to take shortcuts. Repetitive processes and time-consuming steps get skipped. It's a human problem, and [...]

Manage your service level agreements proactively

Service level agreements are common for defining services, availabilities and performance specs both between providers and their subscribers and internally between IT departments and their customers.With the unique position Uplogix occupies alongside network infrastructure, but outside of the critical path of network traffic, we're able to provide enterprise service level verification that monitors from the [...]

Survey Says Network Automation Adoption Increasing

A recent survey by EMA shows that network automation is increasing in use, with over 80% of respondents indicating they are actively using or deploying network automation, and saving anywhere from 16% to 50% of their network group's daily administrative tasks. While targeting automation for configuration backups, config monitoring and IP address management ranked highly [...]