Healthcare network management to grow

The market for healthcare network management software for IT is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6 percent. Organizations are looking to deliver value-based care in part through better IT networks that deliver needed services at lower costs. The IT industry as a whole is experiencing growth in virtualized infrastructure which requires expanded network [...]

Healthcare IT networks front line for cyberattacks

The month of August has seen a surge in cyberattacks on healthcare IT networks in the US using the Locky ransomware, a more highly evolved and effective version of the CryptXXX family of ransomware. Locky is so named because it locks down files and demands payment to free them and is distributed through social engineering methods. [...]

Pandemic year for healthcare cybersecurity

2015 was a rough year for healthcare cybersecurity. The 113 million patient records breached was more than twice as many as in the five prior years combined. To make things even more discomforting, nine of the top ten incidents and more than 98-percent of the records stolen were the result of hacking attacks. Healthcare IT [...]

Healthcare IT driven by patients

While every industry has a different tolerance for risk, there are also different types of risk to consider. When asked what challenges are unique to healthcare IT, Duke University Health System CISO Chuck Kessler says the biggest differentiation between a healthcare organization and a bank, for example, is that in healthcare it's ultimately about saving lives. [...]

Federal agencies release healthcare IT framework

Will your healthcare IT application be regulated by the Food and Drug Administration? A report just released as part of the Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act (FDASIA) brought together the FDA, the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to propose a strategy [...]

Taking our story down-under

The winding waterfront of Melbourne A week ago, James Dollar, the founder and CTO of Uplogix had a chance to address the CIOs of one of the largest corporations in the world at a gathering in Australia. It was a chance to introduce a global audience to the concept of local management, as well as [...]

More than a bandaid for healthcare IT

Even when trying to steer well clear of the election year healthcare debate by focusing solely on healthcare IT, there are a number of hot-button issues for healthcare CIOs. Electronic Health Records (EHRs), the Health Information Exchange (HIE), HIPPA compliance, telemedicine, as well as more industry-neutral issues like wireless networking and just how the cloud [...]