Tech Modernization Fund spends money to save money

The infant federal government Tech Modernization Fund is facing challenges just two years into its implementation and receiving continued funding might hinge on lawmakers understanding the fundamental goal of the fund. The Fund, or TMF, was designed to provide an incentive pool for funding projects aimed at retiring legacy systems in favor of newer, more [...]

No easy path, Part Two: Federal IT Modernization

[fsn_row][fsn_column width="12"][fsn_text] IT modernization is a challenge in all organizations, but federal government CIOs might have it a little tougher than their enterprise counterparts. A new study on IT investment sheds light on how agencies are approaching federal IT modernization. The FedScoop/IBM study's main takeaway was that agencies are getting out of the onsite, fed-run [...]

Automation & AI don’t make talent obsolete

[fsn_row][fsn_column width="12"][fsn_text] The same (unfounded) concern we've heard for years from network admins that the automation functionality in Uplogix is going to take their job is being applied to AI in the workplace. It can't be further from the truth -- both technologies enable skilled admins to spend less time on routine tasks and augment [...]

Federal IT modernization law passes

[fsn_row][fsn_column width="12"][fsn_text] With the passage of the Modernizing Government Technology Act into law, several federal IT modernization efforts are likely to ramp up. Two of the more buzzworthy areas of modernization, artificial intelligence and blockchain, promise new ways to crunch mountains of data created by federal agencies and more secure ways to share information. But [...]