Cellular out-of-band: 4 things to consider

Uplogix has been a leader in cellular out-of-band management systems for over a decade. When it comes to running out-of-band over cellular, we've literally been there and done that -- experiences that have led us to know the challenges and pitfalls of deploying and running cellular out-of-band. Here are four considerations to keep in mind [...]

Tethered drones could expanding shipping horizons

In April at a DISA event in Baltimore we joined the crowds gathered around the AT&T booth with a big 16-rotor drone suspended from the ceiling. In addition to being eye-catching, they had a cool story. The tethered drone provided the equivalent of a cell tower for an area that had lost infrastructure to a [...]

Case Study: Cellular out-of-band… even in West Texas

[fsn_row][fsn_column width="12"][fsn_text] One of our sales execs was recently pitching a wind energy company and mentioned cellular out-of-band as an option. The initial thinking was that their wind fields were likely too remote for a decent signal. That sounded like a challenge to the team here at Uplogix, always looking for a problem to solve [...]

Secure remote access even on snow days

If you were caught up in Winter Storm Jonas over this past weekend, you likely didn't venture beyond the driveway or sidewalk you were shoveling. With millions snow-bound on the east coast, the federal government in the nation's capital shut down from noon Friday through Tuesday. It's the kind of weather that makes a person appreciate [...]

The key to enterprise out-of-band is flexibility

When planning an out-of-band management solution, it's best to consider your options for the out-of-band connection including what's already available onsite and how much bandwidth is needed. A flexible out-of-band solution like Uplogix will be able to work with a wide variety of connection options including dial-up, cellular, fiber and satellite modems. A secondary Ethernet connection [...]