No easy path, Part Two: Federal IT Modernization

[fsn_row][fsn_column width="12"][fsn_text] IT modernization is a challenge in all organizations, but federal government CIOs might have it a little tougher than their enterprise counterparts. A new study on IT investment sheds light on how agencies are approaching federal IT modernization. The FedScoop/IBM study's main takeaway was that agencies are getting out of the onsite, fed-run [...]

No easy path to IT modernization

[fsn_row][fsn_column width="12"][fsn_text] Good luck finding a CIO that's not struggling with some aspect of IT modernization. The list of challenges is never ending: the IT skills gap, increasingly sophisticated security threats, IT/business alignment all requiring both tactical and strategic management. And what about innovation? Some days what feels like what was last week's next big [...]