Managing hybrid networks with out-of-band

The term hybrid network today encompasses traditional physical network infrastructure as well as networks created through network function virtualization (NFV) and even cloud networks. An out-of-band platform like Uplogix is in an interesting position to provide a consistent management platform for each, even as they co-exist within single organizations. Physical Networks This is what we [...]

Struts vulnerability in Equifax breach already patched in Uplogix

This week's giant data breach story was Equifax, the credit score reporting agency hadn't patched an Apache Struts vulnerability putting personal information on 143 million consumers at risk. The bad news? Odds are your data is included in the breach. The good news? If you are an Uplogix user, this vulnerability was already patched. Uplogix [...]

Security reading for May the Fourth

If you haven't come across it yet, the HP Enterprise blog ran an article back in February that is worth reading today, May the Fourth, also known as Star Wars Day. While not as important as an opening day, 5/4 is a great day to geek out a bit and enjoy an article that shows [...]

Reliable networking for first responder

Reliable communications are critical to any first responder organization. For the South African Police Service (SAPS), providing security across the nation includes a radio network that functions in both urban and rural areas. Uplogix Local Management is deployed at radio tower sites and switching centers to manage trunking radio and networking gear. Some of the [...]

Secure remote access even on snow days

If you were caught up in Winter Storm Jonas over this past weekend, you likely didn't venture beyond the driveway or sidewalk you were shoveling. With millions snow-bound on the east coast, the federal government in the nation's capital shut down from noon Friday through Tuesday. It's the kind of weather that makes a person appreciate [...]

Healthcare IT driven by patients

While every industry has a different tolerance for risk, there are also different types of risk to consider. When asked what challenges are unique to healthcare IT, Duke University Health System CISO Chuck Kessler says the biggest differentiation between a healthcare organization and a bank, for example, is that in healthcare it's ultimately about saving lives. [...]

“Flavor of the day” network security

Network security is tough. Too often a new attack vector appears on the scene and vendors scramble to put out a product to counter it. Companies scramble to implement it. And the bad guys scramble to find a new attack vector and it all starts over again. After a few cycles, this can lead to [...]