Selfies, streaming and staying in touch are the norm on today’s cruise ships

[fsn_row][fsn_column width="12"][fsn_text] The last time we had a post on Uplogix deployments for satellite networks on cruise lines was 2013. Since that time cruise ships and their satellite providers have gone from mobile hotspots to full-blown corporate headquarters in terms on their data use. Not only have ships vastly increased their network infrastructure and bandwidth [...]

Graceful shutdown of Gulf satcoms with Uplogix proceeds hurricane

Uplogix customers delivering satellite communications to oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico are using out-of-band for a graceful shutdown of gear ahead of Hurricane Harvey. Ocean-based energy discovery and production is a tough business. Even if you take for granted the technical challenges of drilling in deep water through thousands of feet of rock, [...]

Oil & Gas satcom mood tied to price of oil

Last week's Oilcomm show in Houston had a strange feel to it. In addition to no lines at the afternoon beer stands, the sound of silence echoing through the oil & gas satcom tradeshow seemed to be driven by the price of oil. At least three different visitors to the Uplogix booth referenced the current [...]

Maritime satcom expands in adoption, traffic & bandwidth

As one of the fastest growing segments of the satellite industry, maritime satcoms are booming, with over 26,000 vessels connected by 2016. This is a doubling of the number of satellite connected devices from 2012, and represents adoption on vessels in the cruise industry, offshore oil & gas, fishing and commercial shipping. Uplogix partner, iDirect announced [...]