Working remotely? Out-of-band lets you manage your network infrastructure from home

In times like these, networks, remote tools and network managers are being put to the test while many are suddenly working remotely. Networks and communications are the keys to maintaining business continuity with a home-bound workforce and mandatory travel restrictions.Uplogix out-of-band management has the secure access, reliable automation and troubleshooting tools you need to manage [...]

Disaster recovery: Network infrastructure

Today we live in a world of not if, but when. We're not talking about global warming or the presidential election, well not here at least. We're talking about getting hacked. As strong as the efforts are going into cybersecurity and hacking prevention, it's a losing game. Smart people are putting money into thinking about [...]

Managing physical infrastructure, plus the network

Here are a couple of what we call "campfire stories" – interesting applications of Uplogix developed by customers to meet their unique needs. Both examples today involved using their out-of-band network automation platform (Uplogix!) to also manage some aspect of their physical infrastructure, bringing the same monitoring, alerting and action-taking abilities of the Uplogix platform to [...]