Managing hybrid networks with out-of-band

The term hybrid network today encompasses traditional physical network infrastructure as well as networks created through network function virtualization (NFV) and even cloud networks. An out-of-band platform like Uplogix is in an interesting position to provide a consistent management platform for each, even as they co-exist within single organizations. Physical Networks This is what we [...]

OOB benefits both SDN and NFV

[fsn_row][fsn_column width="12"][fsn_text] Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) are frequently confused with each other, but are different technologies that have some similarities to, and can benefit from advanced out-of-band (OOB). First, a few definitions: SDN - Abstracting the control and management planes from the underlying hardware, say for a router or switch. [...]

Network virtualization to empty onsite racks, almost

Network virtualization is just the next trend in IT to shift spending between CapEx and OpEx. It's already happened with computation and storage in the cloud and things are beginning to take shape on the networking side. It's a "when a tree falls in the forest" sounding question, but when everything possible is virtualized, is [...]

Why you’ll still want out-of-band for NFV

As with traditional network architectures, NFV or Network Function Virtualization, still faces some of the same challenges when it comes to reliance on the network itself for monitoring and managing the network infrastructure, rapid identification and resolution of network issues and ensuring secure access to and logging for network components. The Uplogix out‐of‐band platform brings [...]

AT&T conducts very public SDN test

SDN (software defined networking) has rapidly taken over IT networking news stories. This week was no different as AT&T shared successful results of a test using open source network software on "white box" switches.  What does this mean? Well, it could mean that a power user in the network world doesn't have to deploy name [...]