Meet Uplogix: James Dollar, Chief Architect

In this month’s Meet Uplogix, Chief Architect and founder James Dollar talks a little bit about what drives him and what he does when he's not pushing Uplogix to be the best out-of-band management solution around (hint: it's not sleep!).

Meet Uplogix: Patrick Dennard, Account Executive

In this month’s Meet Uplogix, Account Executive Patrick Dennard talks about his career path through the giants of technology that led him to Uplogix. Plus a dramatic customer use case that involved downtime of a critical data center switch, airline flights across time zones in a race against time, and a lovable prankster orangutan named [...]

Meet Uplogix: Adam Thompson, Sales Engineer

In this month's Meet Uplogix, Uplogix Sales Engineer Adam Thompson talks about his favorite customer use case. It involved Uplogix collecting data from satellite controllers on ships at sea, evaluating the data to track location, and then automatically pushing configuration changes to transition from one satellite signal to another. Out-of-band management: it's not [...]

Meet Uplogix: Merging software & theater development

When Tim Thomas isn't writing code at Uplogix as a senior software developer, he's writing, acting, producing and occasionally even coding for the Austin theater community. Tim's work and theater lives collided earlier this year when he worked on Whirligig Theatre's production of Deus Ex Machina, a choose-your-own-adventure retelling of the Oresteia that gave the [...]

Meet Uplogix: Wolfgang Puck’s Oscar Winner

While most Uplogix customers know Martta Howard, Uplogix Director of Sales Engineering and Professional Services, for guiding large installations and upgrades to success, or from working with potential customers in the sales process, her culinary skills are less known outside of the Uplogix headquarters in Austin, Texas. Whether it's Cookie Week in December (Four days [...]