No easy path to IT modernization

[fsn_row][fsn_column width="12"][fsn_text] Good luck finding a CIO that's not struggling with some aspect of IT modernization. The list of challenges is never ending: the IT skills gap, increasingly sophisticated security threats, IT/business alignment all requiring both tactical and strategic management. And what about innovation? Some days what feels like what was last week's next big [...]

Cynical or jaded? Embracing change in IT

[fsn_row][fsn_column width="12"][fsn_text] Change is difficult for many people, especially in IT where change often means breaking established systems and processes and frustrating users who don't understand why things weren't left well enough alone. But change in IT is a constant, whether it's security changes trying to at least keep up with the bad guys, or [...]

Federal IT modernization law passes

[fsn_row][fsn_column width="12"][fsn_text] With the passage of the Modernizing Government Technology Act into law, several federal IT modernization efforts are likely to ramp up. Two of the more buzzworthy areas of modernization, artificial intelligence and blockchain, promise new ways to crunch mountains of data created by federal agencies and more secure ways to share information. But [...]

IT modernization a shrinking slice of agency budgets

Federal IT is like running on a treadmill without an on/off switch. Stopping to get a drink will result in a wipe out. Or in this analogy, divert significant spending from operations and maintenance to IT modernization and programs and people are adversely impacted. The result is systems get older and more expensive to maintain and eat [...]