The Dirty Dozen network security issues

Gartner's "Dirty Dozen," the most common and often overlooked issues found in network security, is based on more than 3,000 client interactions over the last year. How many of these worst practices do you have in your network? They say avoiding these practices and instigating both short and long term changes will improve security while [...]

Is IT getting more stressful or younger?

A recent survey found that 78% of IT workers consider their job stressful. In 2014, the number was 77%, but in 2013 and 2012 it was 57% and 67%. Few people would argue that IT careers can challenge the notion of a work-life balance. Stress at work and home Of the more than 200 IT [...]

Getting a green light for that IT project

IT groups sometimes have a reputation as a group that has trouble selling project ideas when it comes time for locking in funding from the corner office. Here a few roadblocks to avoid and approaches to try out next time you are pushing an IT project, say rolling out Uplogix Local Management to all of [...]