IoT business justifications (+ a scary anecdote)

The Internet of Things (IoT) has never been short on hype or fear, but as real applications and deployments begin to factor into tactical business plans, calculating total cost of ownership (TCO) and return on investment (ROI) is required. Starting with costs, consider current environmental costs and implementation costs. The current environment includes what you are [...]

IT horror stories and infographics

This is the time of year when everyone shares their horror stories. That's right, Cybersecurity Awareness Month!  IT is no different and never at a loss for some one-upmanship when the topic comes up. From holey firewalls to leaky plumbing in the ceiling above a data center, not to mention the terrors of the IoT, there are enough [...]

Jeep hackers release IoT security survey

Remember those guys a while back that demonstrated how they could hack a Jeep Cherokee, stealing control ranging from the mischievous (changing the radio volume) to the potentially deadly (killing the engine on the highway)? They are back in the news with the release of a survey of security professionals on IoT security perceptions. IOActive, the [...]

IoT automation requires a smarter network

An article in NetworkWorld earlier this month on three fixes needed to get the network ready for the IoT revolution missed a fourth critical component: IoT automation. Cisco says today that there might be 50 billion devices connected to the Internet by 2020, which some are beginning to say might be low, especially once you [...]