Touchscreen fat finger leads to collision

About two years ago the USS John S McCain collided with a chemical tanker in the Singapore Strait, a collision the US National Transportation Safety Board now concludes was a result of a touchscreen fat finger error on the ship's throttles. On the McCain, the steering and throttles were operated on the bridge by touchscreens, [...]

Network outage at AWS linked to typo

February went out with a whimper for many companies that utilize Amazon Web Services' S3 cloud storage thanks to a wide-scale network outage caused by an incorrect command entered by an S3 team member. The four-hour incident impacted news organizations, enterprise chat apps like Slack, and many more. AWS owns 40% of the cloud services [...]

Breach report blames the usual suspects

The annual Verizon data breach investigations report came out this week with findings that show that the biggest threats are not new or unknown, but the same vulnerabilities that have plagued IT for years. It's been said that the only difference between a problem and a solution is that people understand the solution. Maybe not [...]