The Internet can handle this

Over the last couple of months, Internet traffic has increased by about a quarter in many major cities, with traffic expanding out from city centers to the suburbs. Demand for video conferencing has skyrocketed as it has replaced face-to-face interaction with coworkers, family and friends. Home entertainment services have ramped up to handle the needs [...]

Working remotely? Out-of-band lets you manage your network infrastructure from home

In times like these, networks, remote tools and network managers are being put to the test while many are suddenly working remotely. Networks and communications are the keys to maintaining business continuity with a home-bound workforce and mandatory travel restrictions.Uplogix out-of-band management has the secure access, reliable automation and troubleshooting tools you need to manage [...]

Remote access overcomes travel limitations

Media coverage of the Coronavirus outbreak and related quarantines and threats of quarantines across the world has expanded into how technology is making it possible for work-from-home on an unprecedented scale. With many companies already employing remote worker strategies, the technologies needed are in place, including those for remote access to manage network infrastructure. Uplogix [...]