Enjoy the holidays more with Uplogix

The holiday season is a weird mix of extremes within organizations. Some groups are busy trying to close out the quarter or maybe the tax year, while others drop off the grid for a couple weeks of guilt-free R&R to come back to a clean slate in January. For many in IT, the holidays are [...]

Two sides of the out-of-band story

When we talk about out-of-band connections at Uplogix, there are really two sides to that story. The serial connections from an Uplogix Local Manager (LM) to the console ports of the devices it's managing, and the out-of-band connection to the NOC that is brought up by the LM if/when the primary network fails. Both operate [...]

Infographic: Continuous monitoring key for federal cybersecurity

In response to the 2013 Executive Order 13636 on Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity, the framework published in 2014 by NIST addresses improving resilience to cyber incidents and reducing cyber threats. While one solution can’t fit all, a core component of the framework is continuous monitoring. Scroll through the infographic below to see why continuous monitoring [...]

The challenge of continuous monitoring

In today’s environment of advanced persistent threats it is essential for organizations to have near real-time knowledge of their enterprise IT infrastructure so responses to external and internal threats can be made swiftly. A successful continuous monitoring program provides visibility into assets, and leverages use of automated data feeds to quantify risk, ensure effectiveness of [...]