Touchscreen fat finger leads to collision

About two years ago the USS John S McCain collided with a chemical tanker in the Singapore Strait, a collision the US National Transportation Safety Board now concludes was a result of a touchscreen fat finger error on the ship's throttles. On the McCain, the steering and throttles were operated on the bridge by touchscreens, [...]

Critical infrastructure cybersecurity gains new awareness

It's a common refrain that when it comes to critical infrastructure cybersecurity, it's not a matter of if; it's a matter of when. Cyberattacks around the world have shown the potential dangers of such an attack. Industrial control systems (ICS) are increasingly under attack, with the number of reported incidents in the US alone up 17 percent [...]

Preparing staff for increased IT automation

Accenture's Technology Vision survey of corporate execs say they are making significantly more investments in IT automation with more than half planning to use machine learning and embedded artificial intelligence (AI) solutions extensively. Does this mean that IT staff is heading the way of the dodo? Advancement of AI and robotics has created a fair [...]