The Uplogix Blog: Beyond Out-of-Band

Episode 5 | The Capture Feature ft. Shiner Bock
Episode 5 | Austin Beers and Network Gear In this series, get a taste of an Austin, Texas brewed beer as well as learn a little about Uplogix Out-of-Band Management. Today Uplogix CTO and Founder, James Dollar, explains the capture feature. It’s a network traffic tap that can let you capture device flow for analysis

Episode 4 | Newly Released LM83X and LM80 ft. Independence Brewing’s Austin Amber Ale
Episode 4 | Austin Beers and Network Gear In this series, get a taste of an Austin, Texas brewed beer as well as learn a little about Uplogix Out-of-Band Management. Today Uplogix CTO and Founder, James Dollar, shows the newly released Uplogix hardware platforms, the LM83X and LM80.

WFH: Alerts driven by in-rack service level tests
Adam Thompson shows some easy alerts he’s created in the Uplogix Control Center to monitor HQ gear and alert based on automated service level testing of web services and call quality. These let him better manage gear from home.

WFH: Securely access & troubleshoot an enterprise network problem
Network Management from Home with Uplogix Uplogix CTO James Dollar shows how to securely access and remotely troubleshoot a network problem from home using out-of-band management.

Technical Brief: Picking a cellular modem for out-of-band access
Picking a cellular modem for out-of-band access Introduction Uplogix offers multiple modem options for out-of-band over cellular. All Uplogix cellular modems are modular cards, allowing you to choose the out-of-band option type for each deployment. Here are some considerations for choosing your cellular options. Download the Uplogix Technical Brief. Download the Uplogix Technical Brief.

Webinar Highlights
4 Things you Should Know When Considering a Cellular Out-of-Band Solution Uplogix has been a leader in cellular out-of-band management systems for over a decade. When it comes to running out-of-band over cellular, we’ve literally been there and done that — experiences that have led us to know the challenges and pitfalls of deploying
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