Spectre, Meltdown exploits don’t impact Uplogix

[fsn_row][fsn_column width="12"][fsn_text] The New Year kicked off with a thud as the Meltdown and Spectre exploits dominated headlines with critical vulnerabilities in modern processors. Uplogix Local Managers are not impacted by these exploits. IN BRIEF The Uplogix 5000 and 500 Local Managers are not impacted by either the Meltdown or Spectre exploits. Hardware components in both Local [...]

KRACK zero-day cracks WPA2

[fsn_row][fsn_column column_style="light" width="12"][fsn_text] This week began with the zero-day news for a bug that effectively broke WPA2 wireless security. KRACK, named for Key Reinstallation Attack, is a fundamental flaw in the operation of Wi-Fi Protected Access II, the security protocol upgrade from the old, broken WEP protocol. The issue is with the systems four-way handshake [...]