Encryption battle between the FBI and Apple

Encryption has been in the news for the last week following the court order requiring Apply to unlock the iPhone of San Bernardino gunman Syed Farook for the FBI. Both the Bureau and Apple are working the court of popular opinion from different angles. The FBI's argument is that they requested Apple's help unlocking one phone, [...]

Breach report blames the usual suspects

The annual Verizon data breach investigations report came out this week with findings that show that the biggest threats are not new or unknown, but the same vulnerabilities that have plagued IT for years. It's been said that the only difference between a problem and a solution is that people understand the solution. Maybe not [...]

Does cybersecurity start in the corner office?

While the buck stops at the CEO's desk, are they really the ones who should be driving corporate cybersecurity? Today, since the damage caused by a cyber breach rivals that of a terrible business decision, it only makes sense that the c-suite should be fully invested in corporate cybersecurity. The only thing that's keeping pace [...]